Sunday, July 28, 2013

Strongest Tips For Hair Growth At Home

Every girls wants to have silky and strong hairs, for that they generally wait for a long time. There are many options which we can follow but still there is nothing you can do for growing your hairs instantly. In this article, we will see some of the tips which may be proved important in growing strong hairs at home.

1. Practice Good Hair Habits :
a – Don’t boar your hairs with ponytail.
b – Avoid chemical treatment,such as bleaching and all.
c – Minimize heat styling
d – Use brush with natural boar bristles.

2. Maintain a Healthy Diet :
Eating well is really very important, you must eat lot of fruits and vegetables. You must also get proteins well from food such as fish,eggs etc.
Soy proteins which are vegetable source of proteins are also proved as a great nutrition for hairs and their strength.
What you will eat will be looks in the way of beauty on your body, face and hair looks and strength. Get more proteins from some of the best veg soup.

3. Flax Seed Oil :
This natural oil is generally recommended for the general well being of hairs, it is a natural acids source that are essential to keep our body warm, they are also good for heart, it must be taken 1000 mg one to three times daily. You must eat lots of fish so you can get good amount of heat.

4. Keep it Trimmed :
To cut your split en is very important, if you leave your hairs split handed then there may be a chance of hair breakdown. So the only way is to cut them early. Dead ends worf more then the root, and if you will cut the ends frequently then your hairs will grow faster, that is why trimming is always good and always be patient.

5. Massage the Scalp :
Just firmly massage the scalp with your fingers slightly and it will lead to the growth of your hairs very soon, because with the help of good scalp massage the blood circulation increases which also enriches the skin with essential nutrients and oxygen. It also strengthens the roots and make us relax.

6. Don’t Wash Your Hairs Daily :
Washing hairs daily pulls the strands and damages the scalp you must allow your hair oil to strengthen your hair rather than washing. You must wash your hair at least 2 to 3 times a week. And you see getting them shiner and smoother.

7. Comb After Wash :
Comb through your hair with a wide toothed comb right when you turn with the help of comb our hairs get exercised and the roots get stronger and the growth is very well.Use a wide-toothed comb and comb your hair in a slow motion.

8. Always Use Heat Protect :
It is very important to protect you against strands damage. If you protect your hair from the time they will be baby hair and it will lead to long and happy life span of your hairs.

9. Use a Deep Conditioning Treatment :
It will hydrate strands and make your hairs stronger, it can also help in hair restoration, it will help in hair loss by providing them protein and essential component.

10. Reduce Stress :
Stress is not at all good for health, it can cause many health problems like wise it can cause damage to your hairs also, what stress do is slows down your growth of hairs and make them weaker. Ff you take a lot of tension then you must do exercises like taking long breath ,meditation and yoga too .it is very important to reduce stress as much as you can in order to make your hair grow faster.

Aloe Vera - The Miracle Plant

The Aloe Vera Miracle : 
A natural medicine for Cancer, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Inflammation, IBS, and other health conditions.
  1. Halts the growth of cancer tumors. 
  2. Lowers high cholesterol. 
  3. Repairs “sludge blood” and reverses “sticky blood”. 
  4. Boosts the oxygenation of your blood. 
  5. Eases inflammation and soothes arthritis pain. 
  6. Protects the body from oxidative stress. 
  7. Prevents kidney stones and protects the body from oxalates in coffee and tea. 
  8. Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits. 
  9. Cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn’s disease and other digestive disorders. 
  10. Reduces high blood pressure natural, by treating the cause, not just the symptoms. 
  11. Nourishes the body with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glyconutrients. 
  12. Accelerates healing from physical burns and radiation burns. 
  13. Replaces dozens of first aid products, makes bandages and antibacterial sprays obsolete. 
  14. Halts colon cancer, heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive tract. 
  15. Ends constipation. 
  16. Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces triglycerides in diabetics. 
  17. Prevents and treats candida infections. 
  18. Protects the kidneys from disease. 
  19. Functions as nature’s own “sports drink” for electrolyte balance, making common sports drinks obsolete.
  20. Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance. 
  21. Speeds recovery from injury or physical exertion. 
  22. Hydrates the skin, accelerates skin repair.

Lemon a Day Keeps Cancer Away

Just cut 2-3 thin slices of lemon in a cup/container and add drinking water which will become “alkaline water”. Drink it for the whole day, just by adding drinking water.

The Surprising Benefits of Lemon

Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits. You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy. How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations? As you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes.

You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc… It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer. It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant, combats stress and nervous disorders.

The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that: It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas … The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells.

Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water

  1. Low in Carbohydrates. 
  2. 99% Fat Free. 
  3. Low in Sugars.
Coconut water contains organic compounds possessing healthy growth promoting properties that have been known to help :
  1. Keep the body cool and at the proper temperature. 
  2. Orally re-hydrate your body, it is an all natural isotonic beverage. 
  3. Carry nutrients and oxygen to cells. 
  4. Naturally replenish your body’s fluids after exercising. 
  5. Raise your metabolism. 
  6. Promote weight loss. 
  7. Boost your immune system. 
  8. Detoxify and fight viruses. 
  9. Cleanse your digestive tract. 
  10. Control diabetes. 
  11. Aid your body in fighting viruses that cause the flu, herpes, and AIDS. 
  12. Balance your PH and reduce risk of cancer. 
  13. Treat kidney and urethral stones. 
  14. Boost poor circulation.

Damages Caused By Alcohol

Damages Caused By Alcohol:
Blurry vision, trouble walking, slurred speech, late reactions, and weakened memory; they are all side effects of alcohol. Some of these side effects are visible only after a few drinks. Whereas a person taking alcohol over a long period of time will end up with brain shortfalls even when he is sober. Alcohol has far reaching effects on brain ranging from memory lapses to permanent brain damage that has to be properly treated. Damage done by alcohol depends on number of factors like how often a person takes alcohol, what age group he or she belongs to, what is his or her general health status, what kind of alcohol he or she takes.

Following are some of the major harms done by alcohol :

High Blood Pressure :
Excess of alcohol causes high blood pressure that can be dangerous. Binge drinking repeatedly can cause it permanently. For people who are already patients of high blood pressure should be moderate drinkers. Moderate drinking means two drinks a day for a man younger than 65 year and one drink for older and one drink for woman of any age.

Preventing Memory Formation :
NMDA receptors in brain transmit glutamate which communicates with neurons through signals. Alcohol interferes with these receptors effecting the communication of glutamate with neurons. Alcohol prevents some neurons and activates others causing the formation of steroids that prevents to form any new memory. These steroids inhibit brain’s long-term potentiation. LTP strengthens the communication between neurons which is important for memory formation. Malfunctioning of LTP causes memory formation problems.

Weight Gain :
Alcohol contains calories and its excessive use may cause unwanted weight gain. Note that weight gain is a cause of high blood pressure.

Blackouts :
When you have a blackout, you don’t remember the parts of the event occurred after you have taken alcoholic drinks. It is not like you were passed out but you can’t recall all that you did after you had alcohol. Those who never had alcohol-related blackouts, don’t believe that they really happen. It is hard to believe that you don’t remember all the outrageous things your friends tell, you did. But medical research has evidence that blackouts happen.

For a long time it was believed that alcohol kills brain cells. But it is not true. Alcohol actually triggers a chemical reaction inside the brain that blocks the ability of a person to learn or memorize anything happening around him or her. Brain cells are able to process information and communicate but are incapable of creating any new memory.

In a survey, 772 college graduates were asked about their experience with blackouts. 91 percent of them have had an experience at least once. 9.4 percent of them reported learning later that they involved themselves in unprotected sex, fights and driving while they had alcohol in their system and they don’t remember any of it.

Research has shown that females can be victimized by alcohol more easily than men. Even mild usage of alcohol can cause a female to have blackout.

Addiction :
Alcohol addiction is a very severe problem that has to be dealt before it is too late. Once a person is addicted, it takes a lot of therapy and rehabilitation to recover. The most apparent symptom of alcohol addiction is that the addict starts falling apart if he or she doesn’t get his or her daily dose of alcohol. His body starts shivering and can only be relieved if he takes alcohol. The cravings are very strong that make the addict aggressive. Another symptom of addiction is when you need more alcohol than usual to get drunk. Nausea and shakes in the body are also symptoms of alcohol addiction.

There are four stages of alcohol addiction :
Stage one is when a person drinks alcohol in excessive amount and consciously looks for opportunities to drink
Stage two is when alcohol side effects get regular, like blackouts. That is when a person knows he or she is addicted
Stage three includes neglecting family, job and even food.
Stage four is when a person involves him or herself in aggressive activities like hostility towards others.

Other Health Damages :
Alcohol also causes speeds up ageing, nerve disorders, appetite loss, depression, muscle cramps and osteoporosis.

Binge drinking causes severe brain damages like strokes and blood clots. Binge drinking is when an individual drinks too much alcohol at once, usually four drinks for a man and two drinks for a woman.
Liver takes time to process alcohol. Therefore, excess of alcohol can cause liver to work improperly.

Alcohol addiction is getting common among college students and youngsters and so are its side effects. The sooner you know of the addiction the easier it is to cope with. It doesn’t matter what stage you are at, you just have to admit that you are addicted and develop the will power to get rid of it.

Share with everyone and encourage them to quit and stop drinking.

Fruits That Can Change Our Life Better

Want to lose weight, build up your immune system and ward off illness and disease?
Start eating these four fruits and change your life forever.

1. Cranberries :
One of the natural health success stories of the past few years have been cranberries. Cranberries have proved their value in preventing urinary tract infections, such as cystitis. Many people now eat them every day as a first line of defense against these painful and dangerous conditions. The powerful ingredient is a flavonoid proanthocyanidins, which is more abundant in cranberries than in most other fruit. Proanthocyanidins prevent bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract wall, and also prevents infections of the mouth and stomach in the same way. Cranberries are packed with vitamins C and K, magnesium, and fiber which helps to sweep away fat. As a natural diuretic it also helps with water retention.

2. Kiwi Fruit :
Bite for bite, there is more vitamin C in a ripe kiwi fruit than in most other citrus fruits. And although vitamin C is well known for warding off colds, its effects go much further than that. It protects the body from all kinds of infections and inflammation, and is particularly effective against respiratory disease. Scientists have found it helps reduce coughing, wheezing, and rhinitis. People who eat kiwi fruit are less likely than others to suffer from asthma attacks, but it shouldn’t be given to very small children as it can cause allergies. It is also good for the heart and vision. Eating kiwi fruits regularly has also been found to lower blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of blot clots.

3. Oranges :
Oranges are known for their immune boosting power. A medium-size orange provides more than the average daily requirement of vitamin C, which fights off infections and strengthens the body’s defenses. Particularly effective against colds and other respiratory ailments, including asthma, oranges have also been found to reduce the risk of stomach ulcers, kidney stones, and certain cancers. Their natural sugars help diabetics maintain their blood glucose levels. And a teaspoon of grated organic orange peel added to food can reduce cholesterol.

4. Raspberries :
The flavonoids called anthocyanins that give a raspberry its exquisite color are also responsible for some of its most valuable qualities. They have antimicrobial effects that can prevent the proliferation of bacteria and fungi in the digestive system. One of these, Candida albicans, causes the irritating vaginal infection called thrush and has also been linked to digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome. Like all berries, raspberries are also packed with antioxidants that promote overall health in the long term. They protect eyesight; reduce the risk of certain cancers, and their soluble fiber content helps to keep blood sugar levels steady, which in turn aids in weight reduction.

All four of the fruits mentioned above are citrus fruits. Citrus fruits contain limonin, which is currently being researched for its ant-cancer and cholesterol-lowering possibilities.

One Hour Of Watching TV Shorten Our Life By 22 minutes

Well you might have heard that TV is not good for eyes, but recent research shows it also reducing your life span.

According to a report by the University of Queensland, every hour of TV watching shortens your life by 22 minutes.and also, anyone who spends 6 hours per day watching television is shortening their life by a total of 5 years.

Researchers say that watching too much TV is as dangerous as smoking or being overweight, and that the “ubiquitous sedentary behaviour” should be seen as a “public health problem”.

According to paper published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Dr J Lennert Veerman and colleagues looked at the results of a survey of 11,247 Australians taken in 1999-2000, which asked about time spent watching TV, and also mortality figures for the country.

They constructed a model in which they compared life expectancy for adults who watch TV to those who did not, and worked out that every hour spent glued to the screen shortened life by 21.8 minutes.
For those in the top 1 per cent of the population who watch six hours of programmes a day, they “can expect to live 4.8 years less than a person who does not watch TV”.

The researchers say that watching TV is among the most common forms of sedentary behaviour, along with sitting in cars.